Thursday, 19 June 2014

Huddersfield Graduate Art Show 2014!

Wow, what an excellent show the graduating students of 2014 have provided!   - I visited the show yesterday and spent about three hours at there.  

The standard of work, in my humble opinion was no less than truly excellent, first class in every sense.

There was a varying body of works of real uniqueness in all the students presentations, I particularly liked the simple fact that there was such a vast variety of styles, from the, -perhaps slightly more traditional works ( - one in particular about the stimulation of family memories from a childhood upbringing in a Irish rural community was superb), right the way through to highly innovative interpretations and visual allegories of quantum mechanics, string theory and atomic structures.


Awesome is an overused word in general parliance in my opinion, but it's a good word to use here in this context!

What an act we will have to follow... (Yieks!)

It's made me realise, there is still much work to do from me and my peers, but I truly wish all the third year graduates all the very best for the future, which if this show is anything to go by, seems very, very bright for them indeed!

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